Growth Promoters in Beef Cattle Ppt

Feed efficiency in cattle tin can make or break profitability in the feeding sector, and has ecology implications. The costs of buying a dogie and the feed needed to finish it are the two largest variable expenses facing the beef cattle feeding sector. Feed costs are college than ever because of poor growing conditions in major grain producing countries, considering of the utilise of feed grains in ethanol production, and because of increasing competition of state for crop production versus urban development.

Growth promotants are among the many sophisticated tools used by feedlots and other producers to raise more beef, more than quickly, using less feed, while maintaining high standards of animal health, carcass quality and food safety. Growth promotants include ionophores, growth implants, and beta-agonists. A number of products within each category are approved for use by Wellness Canada's Veterinary Drug Directorate.

Types of growth promotants

Antimicrobials: Ionophores

Ionophores are antimicrobials delivered through cattle feed that improve food availability

to the animal. They can improve feed efficiency and weight proceeds, reduce marsh gas product, reduce the incidence of bloat and acidosis, and prevent diseases similar coccidiosis.

Ionophores improve feed efficiency by acting on the rumen microbes. Most rumen microbes catechumen the circuitous cobweb and starch in forage and grain into simple molecules that tin be absorbed into the bloodstream to provide energy and protein to the animal. Some rumen bacteria (known as methanogens) convert the dietary fiber and starch into methane gas. Methyl hydride contains energy, but information technology cannot be absorbed by the animal, and then information technology is belched out and wasted. Ionophores better feed efficiency and weight gain past selectively inhibiting methanogenic leaner, and let the beneficial rumen bacteria to make more than feed energy available to the animal.

Hormonal growth implants

Other growth promotants impact how nutrients are used by the beast after the nutrients have been absorbed into the bloodstream. Growth implants, delivered through a pellet under the skin in the animal's ear, raise the reproductive hormones that occur naturally in the creature. In steers, implants supercede some of the hormones that were removed when the animal was castrated.

Implants generally encourage protein deposition and discourage fat degradation. This improves both weight gain and feed conversion. Fatty degradation requires more than than twice as much feed energy as protein deposition does. In addition to this, muscle tissue contains around lxx% water, while fat contains less than 25% water. This means that for every ten pounds of muscle gained, nigh three pounds comes from dry out feed and seven pounds comes from water. This ratio is reversed for fatty growth (roughly 7 pounds from dry feed and 3 pounds from h2o). Ambitious implant regimes may negatively impact carcass quality (maturity, marbling score, tenderness, and possibly lean color), especially if used on the wrong types of cattle.

Download: Worried about hormones in cattle? Developed by the Alberta Beefiness Producers. (PDF)

Beta adrenergic agonists

Beta adrenergic agonists (eastward.g. ractopamine and zilpaterol) are the newest class of growth promotants, commercially available since 2004. These feed additives are not antimicrobials, and practise non mimic or supplement reproductive hormones. Asthma medications are also beta-agonists.

'Beta adrenergic agonist' is a complicated name that describes what these products do. 'Adrenergic' means 'resembling adrenaline'. 'Agonist' (the contrary of adversary) ways that 'it works in a similar mode'. The 'beta' refers to the detail receptor that it binds to on the muscle cell surface. And so a beta adrenergic agonist is a substance that binds to a beta receptor on the musculus, and acts sort of like adrenalin. Adrenalin diverts blood menses from the digestive organs towards the musculus during the 'fight or flight' response. Similarly, beta-agonists re-directs nutrients so that more growth occurs in muscle tissue than in internal organs.

All beta-agonists approved for beef cattle increase protein deposition (muscle growth), growth rate, feed efficiency, and carcass leanness. Some beta-agonists also reduce protein turnover (reduce muscle breakdown), resulting in increased dressing per centum. Beta-agonists are fed at the end of the feeding period, when musculus growth is slowing, fat degradation is speeding up, and feed efficiency is dropping off.

Equally with ambitious implants, beta-agonists must be managed appropriately, on the right course of cattle in society to avoid negative consequences on carcass quality. The do good of feeding beta-agonists can be lost if the product is fed for too long, or if the delay between product withdrawal and slaughter is too long.

Benefits of growth promotants

Growth promotants are valuable tools for the cattle feeding sector. In a study published in the Journal of Animal Scientific discipline, Dr. Ira Mandell of the Academy of Guelph, Robert Berthiaume of the Agriculture and Agri-Nutrient Canada (AAFC) Lennoxville Inquiry Station, and Carole Lafrenière of the AAFC Kapuskasing station reported that overall average daily proceeds was 21% higher and feed efficiency was 23% better for grain finished cattle given both implants and ionophores compared to command cattle. Economists John Lawrence and Maro Ibarburu at Iowa State University reported that feedlot average daily gain increased when ionophores (iii% increase), implants (16%), and beta-agonists (16%) were used. Feed efficiency improved when ionophores (4% better), implants (10%) and

beta-agonists (14%) were used. Their analysis indicated that feedlot product costs would exist 10% higher if producers chose not to or were unable to use implants, ionophores or beta agonists.

Canfax data signal that between 1977 and 2007, Canada slaughtered xx% fewer cattle but produced 11% more than beef. When fed cattle exports are included in this calculation, Canada produced 10% more cattle, but produced 39% more beef.

Touch on nutrient safety and man health

Like vaccines and other veterinarian products, all growth promotants approved for use in Canada take been reviewed for human and beast safety and canonical by Health Canada's Veterinarian Drug Directorate. Label and veterinary directions indicate proper administration doses and routes, as well every bit pre-slaughter withdrawal times that ensure that the product has been metablized by the animal before it is slaughtered. All animals and carcasses are subjected to pre- and post-slaughter inspections to look for signs of ill wellness. Random samples of carcass tissues and organs are tested for residues from antimicrobials, growth promotants, and other contaminants.

Ionophores are oft erroneously included in discussions virtually the concern of antimicrobial use in livestock and the potential link to antimicrobial resistance in humans. Ionophores are not used in human medicine, and accept a very different mode of action than other antibiotics. This leads to the conclusion that ionophores practise not lead to cross-resistance to antibiotics of importance in human medicine. As a result, reducing or eliminating ionophore employ would accept detrimental impacts on cattle production with no do good for human health.

When advocate groups spread statistics like "over 80 percent of all antibiotics used in the United states are used in food animals, and the vast majority of this use is for animals that are non ill", they not only ignore the much college populations and torso weights of livestock compared to Americans, they include ionophores in the adding.

Growth promotant condom has been reviewed by many experts and agencies, including Health Canada, the Earth Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations. All have concluded that hormones can be used safely in beef production. The levels found in nutrient products, such every bit beef, are also low to be of risk to human health.

To put these levels into perspective, consider the levels of estrogens that occur naturally in all plants and animals, including humans. This table shows that a person would have to eat 3 one thousand thousand hamburgers every day from cattle administered growth hormones before he or she would be exposed to every bit much estrogen as an average woman produces daily.

Testosterone-containing implants are like; there is a safety factor of several k-fold based on the assumption that people consume the equivalent of 6 to 7 servings of beef per day.

Video presentation on implants and carcass quality by Dr. Sandi Parr, feedlot nutritional and production consultant:

Concerns nigh the use of beta-agonists (e.g. ractopamine and zilpaterol) in livestock are popular in the media.  Some importing nations have a nada tolerance policy for sure kinds of beta-agonists, which brand their use an issue in some merchandise negotiations.

In fact, a person would have to eat more than 180 servings of beef per 24-hour interval, or 30 servings of liver per twenty-four hour period, from cattle administered beta-agonists in order to become the effect of one "hit" of asthma medication.

Ecology impacts

A 2012 study published in the Journal of Creature Science quantified how growth promotant technologies in North America (including ionophores, implants and beta-agonists) let cattlemen to produce the same amount of beef from fewer cattle in less fourth dimension, has led to environmental benefits. If nosotros were to remove these technologies from our production system, we would

need 10% more cattle, 10% more land, and 10% more than feed to produce the same corporeality of beefiness. Doing this would also require 7% more fuel and fertilizer. The reduced feed efficiency and longer days to finish would as well mean that the cattle would produce 10% more than manure and greenhouse gas in the process.

The adoption of these technologies have immune North American beef producers to continue to provide consumers with a safe, high quality production in the face of rising feed and land prices while reducing ecology implications. As with all refined engineering science, appropriate and optimal use of growth promotant products can improve animate being functioning and value, while improper use result in no benefit, reduced carcass value, and/or lost money. Feedlots, nutritionists and veterinarian experts base their decisions to use these products on past experience, the type of cattle beingness fed, marketing practices and packer specifications.

Learn more

The Environmental Hoofprint of Canada'due south Beef Manufacture

Video: Use of Implants and Carcass Quality (20:06)
Presented past Dr. Sandi Parr, feedlot nutritional and production consultant

Videos: Three-part series on antimicrobial resistance and

How Feed Efficiency Affects the Profitability and Environmental Touch of Feedlot Cattle
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Diplomacy

The ecology and economic bear upon of removing growth-enhancing technologies from US beef production, by J. L. Capper and D. J. Hayes.
Journal of Animate being Scientific discipline 90:3527-3537

Growth Implant Strategies
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development$section/deptdocs.nsf/all/beef11692

Growth Implants for Beef Cattle
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Growth Implants for Beef Cattle – Economic Implications
Alberta Agronomics and Rural Development$section/deptdocs.nsf/all/beef11700

Use of beta agonists as a growth promoting feed additive for finishing beef cattle
UW Extension Wisconsin Beef Information Centre

Optimizing Feedlot Feed Efficiency
http://world wide

Antimicrobial Resistance
http://world wide

Food Fights
The Ad Guy – CBC Radio's Bruce Chambers
Media files: food-fights.m4a (MPEG-4 Audio, 3.5 MB)

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